Freedom Green Blog

Recreational Marijuana and Exercise
Many people have heard of exercise highs and runner's highs. These are a mental and physical state that you come by when you've been performing a physical activity for a while. Your mind focuses on its own, and the activity becomes effortless. Usually, you have to...

Cannabutter 101
If you're like many cannabis aficionados, you enjoy switching things up now and then. Sometimes, you may prefer to relax with a blunt or a bong. Other times, you may find yourself craving edibles. You can't just bite into a bud, however. For the best -and tastiest-...

Marijuana Legalization in the United States
While marijuana was illegal everywhere in the country in the early 90s, more than half of the country has since made some form of marijuana legal, including both medical marijuana and marijuana used for recreational purposes. Support for the drug's legalization only...

A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis-Infused Food
Ready to try your hand at creating cannabis-infused foods? Medicated treats are very popular among legal cannabis consumers as they allow for discreet dosing and a longer duration of action. But don't let their popularity mislead you -- creating medicated foods is an...

Is the Cannabis Business for You?
Every new industry experiences rapid growth as the aspiring-billionaires rush in to capture first-mover profits. Then reality sets in, and many early startups fail to withstand the ravages of reality. Wreckage left by these companies, such as buildings, patents, and...

Cannabis Terms You Need to Know
As the cannabis industry continues to grow and old negative stereotypes are stripped away, more and more people who had no previous knowledge of marijuana or its uses are starting to become curious. However, this growth has also led to an explosion of terms, slang,...